Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Swing Set For 6 To 10yo

sweet december

After a few days greyness, rain, wondering what happened to the mountains last Friday .. We were very spoiled. If sometimes we still wonder why Vancouver, I think these pictures explain everything.
Adri worked, unfortunately I am only part of my trusty steed in the assault on Jericho beach ... about 40 minutes later (yes, huh Van is big and spread!) Was on sand, warmed by the sun back in the hunt seagulls trying to peck my sandwich. The place was just wonderful, I never get tired of this contrast sea / mountain masts / snowy peaks, gulls / Bear (?)

The air was cool and the sand crunched under my feet .... oh yeah? Frosted sand, I had not had a chance to see it! My rubber boots have tasted salt water, not sure whether they liked me, anyway I was like a child, too bad I did not have a shovel / seal and co!

I went slowly through the beaches, through Kitsilano Beach nearest the city center, where guitarists and volleyball players were out, we would have been almost believed ...
What I like here are the coffee shop, it's everywhere, all the more cozy than the other The best known is the Starbucks chain, the first of which is located in Seattle, but I much prefer the smaller independent! Some settled there for hours to work, read, sleep, it's us often to draw and chat back to the sun and lips full of cappuccino! I confess that much prefer our PMU, it finds only coffees, teas and chocolates, and (oh!) At this time of beautiful Christmas songs ...;-) (I'm not far from the overdose!). That afternoon I returned to a cafe we had loved with adri, interesting pictures, postcards from around the world, large bay windows, a place to rest and reverie.
Right now, I seek, I weasel, looking for book stores, design and music. It won for the first, although I remain skeptical of some selections of books and lack of architectural magazines really interesting (for cons people view it is served!), But I'm still not came across a good record store. Ah .... you can not have everything! Otherwise, do not worry, we continue to make contact, we drink coffee with Archis, we try to make themselves known, it will eventually lead, it is very positive right now, surely the spirit of Christmas!

Our social life is in full swing last Thursday contest risotto French - Mexican (yes I have attended, thank you Delphine, asparagus did fly!), Friday christmas party with us (another of those big parties with DJs and the house filled, it is not my favorite but it's always fun!) and Saturday another christmas party from a friend who is Adri squash, a very good evening wine / games / cheese where it has tried to taboo in English, funny, very funny, but not obvious! We lost two roommates German left yesterday for their country, for which two French remain a month with us!

Finally, oh magic, we found a cottage for Christmas ... about 4 hours drive from Van, we will be able to enjoy the tartiflette amidst bears and woods! Stay tuned!


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